This iTunes error message “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download” normally happens when one is trying to update or restore their iPhone using iTunes. It may even happen when you are updating to iOS 17 or restoring iPhone 15. This error message may be a result of an interrupted network, outdated iTunes, and other unknown reasons. Read through this article to get more insight and solutions.
7 Ways to Fix “The Software for the iPhone Was Corrupted during the Download”
Here are 7 solutions. You may have already tried some of them, but keep reading to try the others.
1. Make sure you have an active network connection
Sometimes a poor or insecure network connection may hinder many processes, especially downloading software for your device. If the download process is not smooth, the file downloaded could be corrupted. As such, before you attempt to update or restore your iPhone again. Disconnect and reconnect your Wi-Fi and try to download again. You need a fast and active network connection for a better download process. It is also recommended to try another stable and strong Wi-Fi when iTunes is saying “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download”.

2. Temporarily disable the firewall on your computer
Third-party security software applications and firewalls on your computer may attempt to block iTunes-related files while the program is running. They can also prevent iTunes from connecting to Apple’s servers and this will stop iTunes from performing its procedures well. As such, before the download process starts, you need to temporarily disable the firewall and any other security software application on your computer, in order to allow iTunes to effectively download the software for your iPhone. To disable the firewall in Windows:
- Go to the start menu, select and open the Control Panel.
- Then select System and Security.
- From there Select Windows Firewall ( this can also be denoted as Windows Defender Firewall on some Windows computers).
- Now you need to select “ Turn Windows Firewall On or Off”.
- Click on Turn Off Windows Firewall.
- Lastly, tap OK in order to enable the computer to save your changes.

After this carry out your download procedure to check whether the Firewall was the one hindering your processes or not, remember to turn on your Windows Firewall after finishing your process because failure to do so might put your computer at risk in the long run.
3. Connect your iPhone to a different computer
Your computer might also be the one preventing iTunes from downloading software for your iPhone. For instance, its software might be outdated hence not getting iTunes to work normally, or it might have faulty USB ports which will prevent you from using iTunes effectively. As such, you can switch to a different computer most especially Windows PC in order to carry out your software download and avoid the error “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download”.

4. Install the latest version of iTunes
An outdated iTunes program might also malfunction. Therefore in order to update to the newer version of iTunes, you need to follow the guide below.
If you are using a Mac:
- Search and Open the Apple Store on your Mac.
- Select the Updates tab on that window.
- Then Tap on Install if you see any available iTunes updates.
If you are using a PC:
- Open iTunes and select Help on the menu bar.
- Choose Check for Updates.
- Then it will search for any available updates.
- If there is any new version, follow on-screen guidelines to install the latest version of iTunes.

In case your iTunes was downloaded from the Microsoft store, you will not need to download or install anything because Microsoft store automatically updates your iTunes whenever there is a new version. In most cases, Microsoft store enables automatic updates by default.
After the update of iTunes, check if it still pops up “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download” or not.
5. Delete the downloaded software file and try again
If you have updated or restored your device using iTunes before, you must have already downloaded a software file on your computer. To avoid any problems or conflicts with the software download, you can delete the old software file before iTunes starts to download the new version. iTunes will usually download the latest version (iOS 17 for now) if it is compatible with your device.
The path of the software files that iTunes download on PC is C: \Users\[Your user name]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates.

On Mac, it is stored in your Home folder under */Library/iTunes.
6. Use an IPSW file
Since the file that iTunes downloaded is corrupted, you can try to download the software file by yourself. iPhone software is also called IPSW file which can be used to update or restore your iPhone. You can visit to download the latest IPSW file for your device.
Please note that you need to download the version that is compatible with your iPhone model, otherwise the update and restore will fail. For example, iOS 17 doesn’t support the models before iPhone 8, so don’t download iOS 17 for iPhone 6s.
Then follow the process below to update or restore your device:
- Make sure you have followed the guide above to install the latest version of iTunes.
- Connect your iPhone to your computer using a well-functioning Apple USB cable.
- On the iTunes Window, tap and select your device. If your device is not working normally and won’t be detected by iTunes, follow the instruction in the next solution to put your iPhone into recovery mode.
- When you see the Update or Restore options, on your PC press the SHIFT key and at the same time click on the Update or Restore option. On Mac, press the Option key instead.
- Then iTunes will open a new window that allows you to choose the downloaded IPSW file.
- From there your device will update or restore as usual.

Some people said they wouldn’t get this message “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download” when they use an IPSW file to update or restore iPhone. Hope this also works for you.
7. Use a Tool to Download Firmware and Update/Restore iPhone
If you’ve tried all the solutions above and are still unable to update or restore your iPhone successfully, it is time to try a tool to do the job instead of keeping using iTunes. This will avoid the factors that cause the error “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download”. One of the best choices for you is iMobie AnyFix.
The best part of this tool is that even if your iPhone cannot boot into the system or is stuck on the Apple logo screen or something like that, you can still use it. It downloads iPhone firmware faster than iTunes.
Just choose the System Repair function from its 5 helpful functions, and then you will be offered 3 options. All of them install the latest firmware on your device, so they work like updating or restoring your iPhone.

Final Thought
If you are still unable to fix the “The software for the iPhone was corrupted during the download” error after attempting all these solutions then you will need to book an appointment with Apple’s after-service care to get your device checked for manufacturing errors.